Sunday, August 19, 2012

vocab makeup quiz

        My first week of school actually wasn't that great. The first day I was a bit overwhelmed and afraid that our senior class would burgeon and that it would be over too fast. I was first only excited to beguile the day seeing my friends. I'm hoping my friends don't let senior year get the best of them and become contumacious. It was nice though to see all my friends dressed up, wearing baubles and new clothes. Also inspiring to hear my new teachers be didactic all day.
        My week began to worsen on wednesday, the day of volleyball tryouts. We first show up to tryouts and our coach tells us we have to run on the track. That brought about a jeremiad from everyone at the tryout. After our run we started playing volleyball and I realized I forgot my ankle brace. This kind of adumbrated me hurting my ankle. When I actually hurt my ankle an hour into practice I quickly became curmudgeon. I laid there fulminating and trying no to say any fustian words I'd regret. I tried to inhibit myself because it was such a faux pas. To complement me getting hurt I had to walk on crutches the next day. It was nice to know though that there wasn't one disingenuous person at the school. I finally had to exculpate the girl who in a way caused me to fall.

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