Monday, October 22, 2012

Vocabulary: Fall List #9

Abortive- failing to succeed; unsuccessful
sentence- The villain planned an abortive scheme.

Bruit- to spread a report or rumor widely
sentence- The report was bruited through the town.

Contumelious- scornful and insulting behavior
sentence- I choose not to hangout with people who are contumelious.

Dictum- an authoritative pronouncement; judicial assertion
sentence- One of the scientists' dictums was to make things simpler.

Ensconce-to settle securely or snugly
sentence- I was found in the living room, ensconced on the couch.

Iconoclastic- characterized by attack on established beliefs or institutions

In medias res-in the middle of things
sentence- My job became in medias res with my school.

Internecine-of or pertaining to conflict or struggle within a group
sentence-  There was an internecine feud among my friends.

Maladroit- lacking in adroitness; unskillful; awkward
sentence- The performance was played out in a very maladroit way.

Maudlin- tearfully or weakly emotional; foolishly sentimental
sentence- My mom will be a maudlin mess when I go to college.

Modulate- to regulate by or adjust to a certain measure or proportion; soften; tone down
sentence- I had to modulate the noise of the party so that my brother could sleep.

Portentous- ominously significant or indicative
sentence- After the fight there was a portentous defeat among the two.

Prescience- knowledge of things before they exist or happen; foreknowledge; foresight
sentence- The boy would have prescience of dreams each night.

Quid pro quo- one thing in return for another; substitute
sentence- I gave my friend my shirt quid pro quo.

Salubrious- favorable to or promoting health
sentence- We need to create a salubrious air by less littering.

Saturnalian- The festival of Saturn, celebrated in December in ancient Rome
sentence- Romans used to attend the Saturnalian in December.

Touchstone- a test or criterion for the qualities of a thing
sentence- Doubt is the touchstone of  truth.

Traumatic- emotionally distressed or disturbing
sentence- There was a traumatic car accident outside of my house.

Vitiate- to impair the quality of; spoil
sentence- The criminal tried to vitiate his plan.

Waggish- roguish in merriment and good humor; jocular
sentence- I like to read books by waggish writers.

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